LIMITED Buckwheat Honey


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Buckwheat honey was collected near Salem, OR

  1. Each Quart jar is 44oz net wt.
  2. Each Pint jar is 22oz net wt.
  3. Each Hex jar is 8oz net wt.
  4. Each Hex jar is 2oz net wt.
Raw honey has a natural tendency to crystallize.
When honey is crystallized it actually preserves the flavor and quality of Honey.
Honey can be de-crystallized in hot water or near heat.
To not pasteurize the honey temperature must be under 110f.
  • Not Pasteurized and no additives added to honey.
  • Color/taste/texture may vary.
Additional information

8oz Glass Hex Jar


Glass Pint Jar


Glass Quart Jar

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